Thursday, March 29, 2007

Pandora, Apples, and the Universe

I've recently found Pandora, the fantastic music discovery tool. If you haven't seen it yet, then I really recommend it. It has the best selection of music that I've ever seen. If you want new music: Go check it out . Two new bands I recommend are Bubble and Thirsty Merc.

The new version of iTunes is making me happy. The old version used to crash automatically after any uploads to my iPod which almost gave me enough incentive to use Rockbox. Rockbox seemed like it would take a lot of setting up though, so I decided to stick it out with iTunes, and the new version is workable.

Also, I found a new interesting podcast about Neurology, hosted by some Aussie woman. It's called All in the Mind.

Hubble is coming down. It's been up there since 1990 and has completely changed the view of the universe of those who have been paying attention for the last few years. Here is a nice video about the UDF (Ultra Deep Field), one of the most distant glances we have ever taken into our universe.

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