Artist's Impression of Gliese 581 System
This has to be one of the most exciting things I've heard in years. Astronomers in Chile have found the first ever Earth-Like Exoplanet! This is the first time we have evidence for our hopes that our Earth is not the only habitable planet.
The planet, Gliese 581 C, goes around an M dwarf (see diagram in previous post for classification clarification) star at a very tight radius with a year of only 13 Earth days. It is 50% bigger than the Earth and is five times heavier. The system is 20 light years away.
Gliese 581, the M dwarf around which the planet orbits
This is exciting because it is the first planet we have ever seen (besides Earth) that can support liquid water. The temperatures are a bit higher than here on Earth but not too different (between 0-40 degrees Celsius). This is assuming an Earth-like atmosphere, which may not be the case. The proposition is that this world is either a rocky planet or one that is completely dominated by water and oceans.
This is exactly the kind of planet SETI expects to find intelligent life on. After two sweeps a couple of years ago they didn't find anything but I'm sure they will be looking again, this time much more carefully. I'll be stepping up my SETI@Home dedication in the mean time. Even if it's not occupied, then it may be our home far in the future, when we've finished pillaging the Earth.
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